Learn more about me
I live between computers and technology since childhood, with more than 10 years of experience maintaning computers as a joyful hobby (and making profit), this is the area that I have ease of understanding and feel at home doing things I know, besides, I can have a lot of persistence if there's something preventing me from reaching the goal, whatever it is.
MD-100 Windows Client Certified | Scrum Fundamentals Certified | Forticlient NSE 3 Certified | IBSEC - Cybersecurity Associate | Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Current tickets closed sucessfully
Support Contracts fulfilled
Hours Of Support (Remote and on-site job)
Feedbacks from employees and contract members
All of my life's career
With proven knowledge and communication skills. I was an intern at the Acre State Attorney General's Office where I provided IT solutions and services. I currently work at Lanlink where I joined as a 1L Support Service Attendant and was promoted to the position of 1L Support Service Technician.
Laureate International Universities | Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU)
Faculdade Meta, Rio Branco - Acre (Brazil)
Centro Universitário do Norte (UNINORTE), Rio Branco - Acre (Brazil)
Lanlink, Fortaleza - Ceará (Brazil)
Lanlink, Fortaleza - Ceará (Brazil)
Acre State Attorney General's Office, Rio Branco - Acre (Brazil)
My Skills
I like to keep my work syncronized with the client.
Sometimes the major difference it's in the details, always searching for the best possible way to deliver client's demands.
When needed, I can adapt to the situation that the client requires, no stress.
The main goal of my job is to provide solutions in face of what the client asks, always working together for the better.
I know how people get stressed sometimes in life, It's my best reason to guide the call calmly, troubleshooting and listening to the problems faced by the user, obtaining maximum error infos to report to the superior teams for solving.
Someone with a strong work ethic is dedicated, motivated, and committed to their roles and takes pleasure from achieving success.
Contact Me
Avenida Deputado Paulino Rocha, Fortaleza - Ceará, Brazil Zipcode: 60864-311
+55 85 984852168